Monday, April 20, 2009

How the Process Works

Hey it’s been awhile things have been pretty hectic around here but I’m going to make up for it right now with this post. When I left off I was talking about how the major solution to this problem was to start random drug testing in high school sports. Now for many of you that have heard of the term random drug testing you probably think it’s just peeing in a cup and waiting for the results. But in fact it is a very intense and strict process with many rules. Before an athlete is tested they have to be notified by an official to sign a consent form basically saying that they have been notified. The athlete must have there test done with in a designated period so they can't cover up their drug use. Many of the tests are done in a mobile testing unit or kindah like a portable restroom but they try to make it as comfortable as they can with supplying plenty of drinks. To make sure the test is accurate an official must watch the urine flow from the athlete to the bottle. Male athletes are asked to strip to their waist and lower their shorts to their knees. Female athletes must be watched very closely while they void a sample. Of course this situation is going to be a little embarrassing but it is the only way to make sure the tests are not tampered with. If the athlete tests positive for steroid use then they have the right to ask for a second test to be done to make sure the results were correct. If the results are still positive then the head official of the sport will notify the athlete and the end result is usually suspension.

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