Monday, April 6, 2009

Knowledge is Power

Like I said my blog is about steriod abuse in high school athletes. There are many different types of steroids out there but they all basically do the same thing. For you that don't know what exactly steriods are ... steriods are a type of drug that is used to increase muscle mass and bone synthesis. Over the years the rate of athletes admitting to using steriods has DOUBLED, with the fastest growing group being 7th grade girls! I know that this has to be a huge shocker for you because it was for me when I read this, but the reasons for the use of the drug are not surprising with people today being addicted to the image projected by professional athletes. Instead of high school athletes being so concerned about their image and success, they need to be educated about the long and short term effects of the drug, dangers it brings and needs to be regulated by a higher source.